Writing our names is a skill we all learn in Kindergarten and use for the rest of our lives. Your child can practice writing their first name at home for extra practice. Encourage them to use proper letter cases (upper case letter for first letter in name, lower case letters for the rest of name). If they master their first name, you can move on to their last name.
Reviewing upper and lower case letters can be helpful too. Recognizing what each letter looks like and the sounds they make can be really helpful for when your child is trying to spell simple words and write simple sentences. Your child can practice at home by trying to write a word or a simple sentence or by figuring out what letter sounds are in words, (at the beginning of the word first, then within the word).
Every day at school we sing the Visual Alphabet Song. I have posted two links below that have the lyrics to the song and a chart with all the pictures. This song can be a great tool for teaching students how to sound out words and then spell them phonetically.
Every day at school we sing the Visual Alphabet Song. I have posted two links below that have the lyrics to the song and a chart with all the pictures. This song can be a great tool for teaching students how to sound out words and then spell them phonetically.
If your child wants to learn to write some words, I have posted two links below of some simple high-frequency sight words that are a great place to start.