The goal of the Reading Rainbow program is to help motivate and encourage each student to learn and master these sight words at their own pace. In your child’s Snuggle-Up and Read Ziploc bag, there is a ring binder that contains all 11 of these lists. The lists escalate in difficulty from ‘Red List 1’ to ‘Purple List’. Also enclosed is a Master Checklist containing all the words in the program and a HOME COPY Reading Rainbow picture to track your child’s progress through the program. All of these materials can be kept at home, for learning and practicing.
You are encouraged to help your child learn each list. (NOTE: They are encouraged to follow the order, but do not have to. If you would like mix up the order you are welcome to do so. That is what makes it and individual program.) You can have them try to read each word to you or anyone in your family that can read! With a little help, they should be able to use their letter sounds to sound out the words. You can make flash cards of the words. You can ask them to print each word while saying it out loud. You can make Reading Rainbow time part of your home reading time. You can ask them to point out these words while they are reading their ‘Snuggle-Up and Read’ books or have them point out the list words in a book that you read to them, etc.
When you are listening to them attempt to read the whole list, (ex. Red List 1), encourage them to read the words they know and let them skip a word if they get stuck. With practice they will manage to read all the words on a list. You can see if they are ready to read the list to me by starting at different points in the list or point to words out of order. That will ensure they have not just memorized the order of the words and can actually read each word with confidence.
As your child masters each list, you may send their reading rainbow ring of lists in Mr. Zippy, to show me that they are ready to read a list to me. (You may include a short note too, if you wish.) If they read all of the words on a list they will colour in that section of the rainbow on the CLASSROOM COPY of their Reading Rainbow picture. (NOTE: To maintain consistency please wait until they have coloured a section of their rainbow at school before you let them colour in their home copy.)
It is important to note that, all children learn to read at different paces and it is important that they have individual goals. For JK students, it would be a reasonable goal to try and master a few full lists and on the other lists maybe try a read a few individual words. You may want to remind them that Kindergarten is a two year program and they still have one more year in Kindergarten to master more lists. For SK students, it would be a good goal to try and get through all the lists by the time the end of the year. However, you know your child’s ability and if they are not ready to learn ALL these words yet, that is okay! They will learn when they are ready, so don’t feel like you have to force it. The reading rainbow pictures WILL NOT BE ON DISPLAY in the classroom to avoid the students comparing their progress to their classmate’s progress.
Once a list has been mastered and read with ease, both at home and at school, you can move on to the next list. You will be amazed how their reading skills will improve! Your child will see their success visually by looking at their rainbow pictures gradually be filled in with many colours. I have included a copy of all the lists on the ring binder so that you may review past lists. The more they practice reading the lists the better they will remember how to read words. Thank you and Happy Reading!